Studies have shown that restrained eaters (or people who are chronically but unsuccessfully dieting) eat more when under stress than if not under stress. There are many theories why certain women particularly may crave particular foods when under stress. Researchers continue to be investigating what’s behind the strain and eating phenomenon. This can be a complex relationship that has to consider both biological and mental factors.

Biological explanations claim that certain hormones (e.g. corticotrophin-releasing hormone present in our hypothalamus) are altered during stress, which may lead to alterations in eating behavior. Restrained eaters also provide greater amounts of cortisol, a stress hormone. Similarly, abnormal quantity of a natural chemical serotonin are based on anxiety. Lower levels of serotonin happen to be proven to lead to elevated eating. This elevated eating could raise the degree of serotonin, which might ultimately improve mood and anxiety.

On the mental note, restrained eaters regularly monitor their eating behavior and then try to do not eat high-fatOrhigher caloric foods. Therefore, once they feel the physical and mental signs and symptoms of stress, they might turn their focus on the demanding event and prevent concentrating on their and themselves eating behavior. Restrained eaters might have found that eating “forbidden high calorie foods” might help them feel good during occasions of stress. Not just is eating a socially acceptable type of both comforting and distracting yourself from stress but it’s frequently simpler to feel stressed about overeating instead of feel stressed about other existence occasions. This might explain why many people turn to food when they’re feeling overwhelmed.

Strategies for the Stressed Eater:

  • If you are stressed try doing something relaxing but additionally healthy for example having a shower, taking a walk, calling a buddy, studying a magazine, hearing music, breathing, or participating in a spare time activity.
  • Consider the origin of the stress and also the negative things that you’re telling yourself. This negative self-talk won’t strengthen your situation. There are many kinds of self-help books that will help you overcome stress. Locate a cognitive-behavior therapy based book for example Feeling Good by David Burns.
  • See a psychiatrist that will help you identify and deal with causes of stress as well as learn how to break the strain eating cycle.